Document Intelligence Series — Part 2: Transformer for Table Detection & Extraction

Rajat Roy
5 min readOct 16, 2023
AI Generated Image from


This is second part of Document Intelligence series where I continue to explore various techniques which can be applied on documents. This article introduces an approach towards table detection by utilizing transformer based models.

Detection Transformer or DETR in short which is an encoder decoder transformer released by Microsoft. I recommend you to watch this video to understanding its full functioning.

Let's see how to use it.


The experiment was performed in Google colab and I'm sharing the code here from my notebook.

  1. Install the libraries
!pip install -q git+

!sudo apt install tesseract-ocr

!pip install -q timm pytesseract

2. Import the libaries

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytesseract
from pytesseract import Output

from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from PIL import Image

import torch

from transformers import DetrFeatureExtractor
from transformers import TableTransformerForObjectDetection

3. Initialize model

feature_extractor = DetrFeatureExtractor()
model = TableTransformerForObjectDetection.from_pretrained("microsoft/table-transformer-structure-recognition")

4. Loading an image

Here, I've downloaded an image from huggingface hub.

file_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="nielsr/example-pdf", repo_type="dataset", filename="example_table.png")
image ="RGB")
width, height = image.size
image.resize((int(width*0.5), int(height*0.5)))
Image with Table

5. Inference on image

encoding = feature_extractor(image, return_tensors="pt")

with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(**encoding)

results = feature_extractor.post_process_object_detection(outputs, threshold=0.6, target_sizes=target_sizes)[0]

{'scores': tensor([0.7818, 0.9094, 0.8190, 0.9996, 0.9995, 0.7614, 0.9992, 0.7655, 0.7816,
0.8138, 0.9999, 0.7961, 0.8562, 0.9973, 0.9996, 0.9995, 0.9995, 0.6596,
0.9082, 0.9802, 0.9996, 0.7440, 0.9283, 0.6625, 0.9690, 1.0000]),
'labels': tensor([2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 2,
5, 0]),
'boxes': tensor([[ 55.1625, 473.8491, 1992.9238, 536.2683],
[ 55.4169, 760.5422, 1993.0583, 808.9153],
[ 55.5170, 302.8054, 1993.0104, 364.1293],
[1370.9203, 128.7774, 1607.9895, 856.0112],
[ 961.6448, 128.3521, 1151.3483, 855.8168],
[ 55.3619, 423.8597, 1993.0262, 472.4117],
[1153.1301, 127.8595, 1372.5353, 855.7993],
[ 55.5993, 253.6965, 1993.0969, 302.4271],
[ 55.4433, 194.0559, 1993.0710, 253.7692],
[ 55.7711, 361.3059, 1992.7142, 424.7832],
[ 55.7679, 126.7103, 331.8651, 853.5883],
[ 55.1420, 534.7481, 1992.9456, 594.9164],
[ 55.9185, 698.5151, 1993.0920, 761.0674],
[ 55.2845, 129.6848, 1992.8042, 194.8529],
[1609.8851, 128.6986, 1832.0500, 856.1185],
[ 625.6287, 126.0535, 953.5483, 852.9497],
[1834.7311, 131.1194, 1993.4819, 855.7679],
[ 54.7878, 697.0790, 1993.8176, 851.9252],
[ 55.4953, 807.7474, 1991.9313, 854.0126],
[ 54.9738, 130.3264, 1992.7706, 194.1180],
[ 335.9736, 125.3920, 624.2226, 853.0720],
[ 55.5878, 642.4491, 1992.8743, 699.4342],
[ 56.0965, 197.0991, 330.3431, 368.5917],
[ 55.5552, 593.7886, 1992.8492, 642.4099],
[ 55.4703, 371.5856, 326.4745, 850.0078],
[ 55.9349, 128.0338, 1992.4685, 850.6671]])}

6. Decoding Labels

label_dict = model.config.id2label
{0: 'table',
1: 'table column',
2: 'table row',
3: 'table column header',
4: 'table projected row header',
5: 'table spanning cell'}

7. Cropping the ROI

Now, let's crop each table rows and column header part from the image. It can be done from the coordinates from boxes and labels in the result.

labels, boxes = results['labels'], results['boxes']

column_header = None
table_rows = []
for label, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) in zip(labels.tolist(), boxes.tolist()):
label = label_dict[label]
if label in ['table row', 'table column header']:
cropped_image = image.crop((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
if label == "table column header":
column_header = cropped_image

It would look something like this.

Cropped column header
Cropped table row

8. Extract columns and rows from table

For extraction, pytesseract can be used. First, starting with extracting the columns.

ext_df = pytesseract.image_to_data(column_header, output_type=Output.DATAFRAME, config="--psm 1")
ext_df = ext_df.dropna(subset=['text'])
ext_df['text'] = ext_df['text'].str.strip()
ext_df = ext_df[ext_df['text'].apply(len) > 1]
ext_df = ext_df.reset_index(drop=True)
extracted_columns = ext_df['text'].values.tolist()
ext_result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(map(lambda x: x, range(len(extracted_columns)))))
ext_result_df.columns = extracted_columns

Next, extract each table rows and concatenate rows to this dataframe.

Also, apply post processing to clean the dataframe.

for table_row in table_rows:
ext_df = pytesseract.image_to_data(table_row, output_type=Output.DATAFRAME, config="--psm 1")
ext_df = ext_df.dropna(subset=['text'])
# ext_df['text'] = ext_df['text'].str.strip()
# ext_df = ext_df[ext_df['text'].apply(len) > 1]
ext_df = ext_df.reset_index(drop=True)
data = dict(zip(extracted_columns, ext_df['text'].values.tolist()))
for col in extracted_columns:
if col not in data:
data[col] = np.nan
row_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=[0])
ext_result_df = pd.concat([ext_result_df, row_df])

final_ext_df = pd.DataFrame()
for _, row in ext_result_df.iterrows():
missing_count = row.isna().sum()
if missing_count // len(ext_result_df.columns) == 1:
row_df = pd.DataFrame(row).T
final_ext_df = pd.concat([final_ext_df, row_df])

final_ext_df = final_ext_df.reset_index(drop=True)


So this was a quick walkthrough of how to use DETR, a transformer based model for table detection.

The notebook with the entire code is available here.

This article is the 2nd part of the Document Intelligence Series. If you are interested in knowing more, 1st part of the series available here.

Please drop a like and follow for more such articles.


The model implementation is referred from Neils's github repo which is available here. I encourage you to go through this repo, it has an entire library of transformer models implemented for a number of usecases.

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Rajat Roy

Data Scientist | Machine Learning Engineer | Blogger